Why substitute matcha green tea for coffee?

The aroma of a freshly brewed cup of coffee in the morning can be intoxicating. “Wake up and smell the coffee” has become a mantra of pop culture, and Starbucks coffee shops can now be found on street corners all over the world. And yet, many people sense...

How to Avoid a Nasty Coffee Withdrawal Headache

First and foremost, I want to thank you for all your support. Lately I have helped hundreds of people kick the coffee habit and avoid withdrawal headaches simply by substituting Matcha green tea for coffee. Living Qi™ Matcha green tea is an amazingly healthy coffee...

Caffeine Content of Matcha versus Coffee

One teaspoon of matcha (3 grams) contains about 70mg of caffeine, or about the same as one cup of coffee. I recommend about 1 gram per serving which is one third the amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee. Of course you can drink matcha to taste and add as much as you...

8 Reasons to Drink Matcha Green Tea Vs. Coffee

Numerous doctors around the world have been recommending green tea as a substitute for coffee. In fact for years now I have done the same, but when I found out about matcha green tea and started the Living Qi Company I got really excited about people substituting...