Do you enjoy your body?

Fifteen years of research in Chinese medicine, psychosomatic medicine, yoga and psychology has lead me to the conclusion: “The mind is subtle body, the body is denser mind” This idea is made clear by Candace Pert in her book “The Molecules of...

Simple tips for transforming fear

I have been doing a powerful meditation recently. Instead of asking myself what I want, or what I would like to attain, I ask myself what I can let go of. Can I let go of this old shirt I never wear? Can I let go of the thought “I am not good enough”?...

10 questions to tap your most Creative Self

The following 10 questions are designed to open your heart and mind to your most creative self…engage them in a spirit of adventure and curiosity. After you work through these questions, if you want to actualize your discoveries, you are welcome to come in for...

What is REAL confidence?

Have you ever thought about what real self confidence is? What is confidence? What are we saying when we say someone has confidence? Are we saying they have a strong ego? Are we saying they are fearless? Are we saying confidence and cockiness are the same thing?...

5 Quick Tips to Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick

Some experts say 95% of people who make resolutions for the New Year fail to achieve them, but there are simple ways to dramatically help you focus and achieve your goals. Typically, weight loss and getting fit is the number one resolution people make, according to...

Matcha, Big Mind Meditation and Holosync

I once heard integral philosopher Ken Wilber discuss a powerful combination of using Genpo Roshi’s Big Mind meditation with Holosync audio meditation technology developed by Bill Harris.  Wilber conveyed that combining the two techniques produced a very deep and...