I want to share with you an understanding that I have been deeply focusing on in my life for the past few years. Recently many people coming in for healing at my clinic have been reporting that they are experiencing very rapid changes in their lives. I hear tales of electronics breaking down, cars needing repair, old thought forms becoming obvious, shadows needing to be dealt with, and relationships suddenly ending. It sure feels as though rapid change is upon us.
I am sending out a call in these rapidly changing times for each of us to reflect deeply on our highest mission in life, our calling, and to walk the talk.
Are you called to help the growing environmental problems we face? Walk the talk. Are you called to help assist people in their personal evolution? Walk the talk. Are you called to teach or be a great parent? Walk the talk.
In any field, in any facet of life, we can make our own unique contribution by speaking our inner truth. What have you realized in your spiritual life and are you living that truth on a daily basis? What is the deepest understanding you have achieved in life? Are you living that by acting on it?
If you are having trouble knowing what your purpose in life is, spend some time this weekend thinking about three fundamental questions:
1. Who am I?
2. Why am I here?
3. What am I doing about it?
Are you sharing your passion with the world? Are you sharing your unique gifts? The world won’t wait forever. Jump in and feel the profound inner strength that comes from knowing who you are and what you stand for.
My personal mission statement goes like this:
Through the grace of God the purpose of my life is to serve all that I am blessed to serve by living wonder, integrity, compassion, humor and joy.
Spend some time writing out your personal mission statement and let that be a guiding star for your life’s path. If you need help in this, send me an email and we can schedule you for a coaching session.
One my missions is to provide superior nutritional products that help the mind and body to function in an optimal state. Our matcha helps the mind to relax and remain calm. Because matcha is so calming, it is the beverage of choice for meditation and relaxation. If you have not tried it, I highly recommend you do so.
To order the finest organic matcha green tea in the world at an affordable price just click here.
James Whittle is a healer, a practitioner of energy medicine, acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine: www.blueridgeclinic.com, a sought after speaker in alternative and complementary medicine, a writer, and the founder of two companies: for the finest organic matcha green tea in the world visit: www.living-qi.com, to learn about losing weight with Chinese medicine and controlling blood sugar and sugar cravings visit: www.tcmnutra.com
©James Whittle, All Rights Reserved, 2009.