We are once again doing our annual 3 week detox program and you are invited to join us. Last year we had more than 15 people participate in the program. Folks lost an average of 15 pounds of fat and had a great time feeling stronger and better than ever. No matter what your goals are for the new year, bringing in 2010 with a detoxification and purification program can give you the energy and motivation to achieve your goals. Our start date is January 4th.
This is the best detox protocol I have found in ten years of research. You do not need to come into the clinic to participate. We can send the program to your home.The program includes four specific supplements and detailed instructions on exactly how to take them. Additionally it tells you exactly what to eat and when and has many fabulous recipes.
For a limited time I am taking $56.00 off the purchase price. The 3 week program is regularly $255.00, but I am charging only $199.00. Don’t miss this opportunity to join me as I will be doing the entire 3 week program again myself and will be available by email for support during the program.
9 reasons to join us in January and detoxify and purify your body!
1) You can lose 10-20 lbs. in 3 weeks.
2) Fat tissue melts.
3) Cholesterol drops an average of 80 points.
4) Pain is usually diminished.
5) This program is not a “diet”.
6) Allergies often clear up.
7) You immune system gets stronger.
8) Puffy eyes and dark circles clear up.
9) Skin clears up and gets shinier.
16 more reasons to detoxify your body with us in January!
10) Energy increases.
11) Headaches go away.
12) Digestion improves.
13) Food cravings diminish.
14) Self-confidence improves.
15) Memory improves.
16) libido improves.
17) Aches and pains diminish.
18) Inflammation decreases.
19) Sleep deepens.
20) Mood improves.
21) Stuffy noses clear up.
22) Vision sharpens.
23) Blood pressure drops.
24) Liver function improves.
25) Because everyone should detox once a year (at least).
What do I do now?
* Simply call or reply to this email and tell us you want to participate.
* We will either send your detox kit or you can pick it up
* Begin program on January 4th
* Email during program with any questions or concerns
To learn more about what exact supplements are in the program, click here.
Detoxification, also known as purification, can help you remove natural toxins from your body and help maintain a healthy weight. We are exposed to external toxins everyday, including pollutants, pesticides, and chemicals. Internally our bodies produce waste byproducts as a result of normal metabolic function. Although your body is designed to rid itself of these toxins naturally, it can become overburdened. Detoxification offers your body additional support to expel natural toxins and minimize your weight, which is important to maintaining your health and vitality.
Call us at 828.254.4405 to order your program while it is still ON SALE! Or reply to this email. Email and phone number are also on our website at www.blueridgeclinic.com.
Now, even if you don’t need to lose weight, purification is still a great idea. In fact, over the years I have found it incredibly beneficial for resolving health problems that just are not responding to any form of treatment.
If you have any questions email or call us today: (828) 254-4405!